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AirGradient ONE Indoor Air Quality Monitor Build Instructions

Professional and highly accurate air quality monitor built measuring PM1, PM2.5, PM10, CO2, TVOCs, NOX, temperature and humidity. Board allows a lot of extensibility for other sensors e.g. barometric pressure.

Build Instructions Purchase Kit

AirGradient Open Air Outdoor Air Quality Monitor Build Instructions

Professional and highly accurate outdoor air quality monitor built measuring PM1, PM2.5, PM10, CO2, TVOCs, NOX, temperature and humidity. Fully weatherproof enclosure.

Build Instructions Purchase Kit

AirGradient DIY BASIC Air Quality Sensor Build Instructions

Smaller and more compact air quality monitor built measuring PM1, PM2.5, PM10, CO2, Temperature and Humidity.

Build Instructions Purchase Kit
The AirGradient Builds Overview

We are continuously updating our open hardware / open source air quality monitor kits and as a results have different versions of the built instructions.

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Online Debug

This page helps in reading out data directly from the AirGradient monitor. For good error analysis, please log at least 3 minutes of data.

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Reading Temperature and Humidity from Plantower PMS5003T

We use the PMS5003T version for our outdoor monitor Open Air which includes an integrated temperature and humidity sensor. If you use the Arduino Sketch from the AirGradient Arduino library you need to patch the PMS library to get these values.

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How to connect the Monitors to the AirGradient Dashboard

Connecting the monitor to the AirGradient Dashboard is a two-step process. You need to connect your monitor to the WiFi network and register it on the dashboard.

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AirGradient DIY Display

When we launched our indoor classroom monitoring with our professional sensors, one of the first feature request from teachers was to have a small display that would show the indoor and outdoor air quality.

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The AirGradient DIY BASIC Sensor Enclosure

Just a quick shout out that we have 3D printer files to print your own enclosure. It fits the DIY PCB perfectly and consists of a top and bottom part that snap together.

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AirGradient Models

Here we want to give an overview of current and out-of-production AirGradient monitor models. Current Mainline Models These models are the main products of AirGradient and under the CC-BY-SA open-source hardware license.

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Correction Algorithms

The accuracy of an air quality monitor is impacted by a variety of internal and external factors, for example: Enclosure: The ventilation and internal placement of sensor modules can greatly impact their accuracy.

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Somerville Indoor Air Quality Monitor

Step 1 Plug in the air quality monitor Step 2 All current air quality information is on the screen on the monitor.

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AirGradient ONE (I-9PSL) and Open Air (O-1PST) Firmware Versions

Please note that these firmware versions do not support the D1 mini (ESP8266) based models DIY Pro or Basic kit but we currently work on an update that will bring as many as possible of the new features to the D1 mini.

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Factory Flashing

Firmware image for flashing of new boards in the factory. Flash Now Your browser doesn't support this. Please use Chrome or Edge on Mac or PC.

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Special Firmware Versions

Below are custom firmwares for very specific applications and not for general use. Stock Firmware AirGradient ONE Model 8PSL Your browser doesn't support this.

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Old Build Instructions

AirGradient DIY Pro Kit Built Instructions

These instructions are for the people who ordered our first batch of the new DIY kit with the professional enclsosure. The instruction assume that you have already built a normal AirGradient DIY kit and thus primarily focus on the differences to the default DIY Kit.

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Install the Arduino Software for the ESP32-C3

For the new AirGradient monitors we use the ESP32-C3-MINI microcontroller. This tutorial explains you how to set up the Arduino IDE for this microprocessor in order to flash the software.

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Install the Arduino Software and D1 Mini

For all the old versions of the AirGradient build instructions the Wemos D1 Mini microcontroller was used. This tutorial explains you how to set up the Arduino IDE for this microprocessor in order to flash the software.

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AirGradient Open Air Outdoor Air Quality Monitor Technical Documentation (PCB Version 1.1)

Introduction These are the technical documentations for the AirGradient Open Air outdoor monitor for PCB version 1.1. If you have a different version please find your correct build instructions in this overview.

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The AirGradient DIY Air Quality Sensor (Basic Version PCB Version < 3.0)

Please note that this is a legacy instruction for people having the DIY BASIC PCB labelled with “PCB v2”. The version number is written on your PCB.

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The AirGradient DIY Air Quality Sensor (Basic Version PCB Version 3.0)

Please note that these are the instruction for the DIY BASIC PCB Version 3.0 that mounts the S8 CO2 sensor differently.

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The AirGradient DIY Air Quality Sensor (Pro Presoldered-Version, PCB Version < 3.7)

Introduction These build instructions cover the pre-soldered version of the AirGradient Pro monitor kit for PCB version 3.6 and lower. If you have a different version please find your correct build instructions in this overview.

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The AirGradient DIY Air Quality Sensor (Pro Presoldered-Version, PCB Version 3.7)

Introduction These build instructions cover the pre-soldered version of the AirGradient Pro monitor kit for PCB version 3.7. If you have a different version please find your correct build instructions in this overview.

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The AirGradient DIY Air Quality Sensor (Pro Presoldered-Version, PCB Version 4.2)

Introduction These build instructions cover the pre-soldered version of the AirGradient Pro monitor kit for PCB version 4.2. If you have a different version please find your correct build instructions in this overview.

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The AirGradient DIY Air Quality Sensor (Pro Version PCB Version < 3.7)

Please note that these are the instruction for the DIY PRO PCB Version 3.6 and lower. If you have a different version please find your correct build instructions in this overview.

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The AirGradient DIY Air Quality Sensor (Pro Version PCB Version 3.7)

Please note that these are the instruction for the DIY PRO PCB Version 3.7 that has an improved PCB. If you have a different version please find your correct build instructions in this overview.

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The AirGradient DIY Air Quality Sensor (Pro Version PCB Version 4.2)

Please note that these are the instruction for the DIY PRO PCB Version 4.2 that has an improved PCB. If you have a different version please find your correct build instructions in this overview.

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The AirGradient DIY Outdoor Air Quality Monitor

Introduction These build instructions cover the ESP8266 based version of the AirGradient Open Air Outdoor monitor PCB version 0.4. If you have bought the kit from our shop with the ESP32-C3 based chip and PCB version > 1.

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The AirGradient DIY Outdoor Pilot Program

Introduction These instructions are for our small beta tester group and contains a special firmware for testing purposes. This firmware only works for people in this pilot program.

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The AirGradient Open Air Outdoor Air Quality Monitor (O-1PST Kit, PCB Version 1.3)

Introduction These build instructions are for the AirGradient Open Air Outdoor monitor model O-1PST. If you have a different version, e.

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The AirGradient Open Air Outdoor Air Quality Monitor (Presoldered-Version, PCB Version 1.1)

Introduction These build instructions cover the pre-soldered version of the AirGradient Open Air Outdoor monitor kit for PCB version 1.1. If you have a different version please find your correct build instructions in this overview.

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