AirGradient offers a variety of different reports and notifications.
In the AirGradient admin interface ( you can select for each user if he/she should get these reports and alerts.
Daily Report
The daily report is automatically sent at the end of the opening times defined in the admin interface. It contains a summary section on the top and then PM2.5 and CO2 data for each location for the current day and the two previous days (that were open). Days that are not “open” e.g. holidays or weekends can be defined in the admin interface section opening hours.
Fixed Time Notifications
AQI or HEAT notifications about the current outdoor air pollution can be sent at specific times of the day. This can give valuable information to users for example whether it is safe to do outdoor exercise. The times of these notifications can be set up in the admin interface section AQI notifications.
Band Change Notifications
AQI or HEAT notifications about the current outdoor air pollution will be automatically sent when the band changes. In order to avoid frequent jumps between bands and too many messages, these notifications are only sent if the new band has been met for more than 30 minutes.
Offline Sensor Notification
If a sensor is offline for more than 30 minutes an automatic email is sent. This email includes the location of the offline sensor(s).
Administrators can set standard alerts for the respective organisations in the Place Administration dashboard. Then individual users can subscribe to these alerts in their User Settings page.
Displays, iFrames, Widgets
If you want to make your outside AQI values public, you can add the AirGradient widget to your website via an iFrame.
There are many different types of widgets available. Please contact AirGradient Support for more information.
Daily Report (iFrame)
AirGradient also allows you to add an iFrame which displays the average of the day by location. This can be used if you want to make some of your inside location data publicly available (e.g. in a parent’s portal in a school).
Please contact AirGradient Support to get the code for the widget.