Create or Edit Locations

by Achim Haug

In the AirGradient admin section you can setup locations. You can reach the Locations Administration with the hamburger menu or via . Please note that this administration menu is ONLY available for administrators.

Here you can manage existing locations. To add a new location please go to Connect Monitor. A location can be a room, common area or an outside location. 

Locations hold the air quality data. So if you delete a location you will lose all associated air quality data.

You can attach a sensor to a location. This allows you to e.g. change a sensor if you need to replace an existing one.

You also need to indicate whether the location is an outside location and whether it should be included in the reporting and the averages calculations in the reports.

If you want to temporarily hide a location from the dashboard and the reports you can uncheck the Active checkbox.

Indoor sensors can also be optionally assigned to a specific group.

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